Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Poem

Environmental & Science Education
Art and Environment

Greetings from St. Paul on the 164th day of 2020 and the 24th week. The percentage of the year that is in the past is now 44.81% and in 9 days it will be Summer Solstice 2020, another of the great celestial quarterly markers.

Today is National Peanut Butter Cookie Day and it also is and much more importantly Loving Day.

On this day in 1967, the U. S. Supreme Court landmark decision Loving v. Virginia struck down anti-miscegenation law banning interracial marriage as violations of the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution remaining in sixteen U. S. states.

Mildred and Richard Loving's nine-year fight to live as a family in their home town was released as a movie in 2016.

A quote to note. Real epidemiologists don't shake hands.--Epidemiologist T. Christopher Bond, NYT We are all epidemiologists now! which means that masks, social/physical distancing, etc. are what we do as a matter of routine.

June 6, 2020, a Saturday, I posted last Friday's poem was Applesauce Cake Day. Today's poem by poet, novelist and writer Marge Piercy is about her childhood, an apple cake, and her hard working mother.

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