Thursday, April 7, 2022

Banding Owls in the Wild

Environmental & Science Education, STEM, Wildlife, Biodiversity, Nature, History of Science

Ed Hessler

Thanks to my good friend and colleague Molly for sending this story on banding Great-Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) in the wild. 

The story is well-told and also lavishly illustrated by two photographers. The first image shows birders in a classic position--looking up, this time through the lens of cameras. One of the photos shows one of the banding duo trying to line up the three owlets for a group portrait. It reminded of effort required in taking photos of children.
What talons and what intimidating eyes!  These birds are a palette of subdued colors, so many tones of tan, brown, black and white with highlights of burnished orange and rust.

The information in the article is as complelling as the photographs, including how banding birds contributes to our knowledge of birds. 
Picture perfect. Word perfect.

h/t to Molly, one more time.

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