Saturday, December 24, 2022

Where I Work

Environmental & Science Education, STEM, Sustainability, Agriculture, Nature of Science

Ed Hessler

Ana Saez Garcia is a co-founder of Ekonoke, in Madrid and is the featured "Where I Work" in the journal Nature (September 16). Ekonoke is growing hops hydroponically. Why hops?

"Hops, the flower of the plant Humulus lupulus, are what gives beer its distinctive flavour. Growing them hydroponically means using a minimal amount of substrate for the roots. We also use a recirculating irrigation system that recycles most of the water we use to grow the plants."

Their firm achieves "four yields a year instead of one -- and without using pesticides."

Ekonoke has had its first commercial success with hop hydroponics. Garcia writes that "'Respect!', a limited edition of a beer produced entirely with our hydroponically grown Humulus -- came out in July. It's the world's first beer to be made exclusively with indoor hops."

Of course there is more in this short article. 

Another STEM-related career!

Cheers seem to me appropriate for this achievement.

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