Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Importance of Research on Local Populations: Hawksbill Sea Turtles.

Environmental & Science Education, STEM, Nature of Science, History of Science, Biodiversity, Nature, Wildlife

Ed Hessler 

A Pacific Ocean population of hawksbill sea turtles "is one of the most endangered in the world and was considered functionally extinct in the region" before a hawksbill was found nesting at a beach in Equador. ... Since 2008, "about 20 nests each year have been found."  During one season 50 nests were documented. 

The use of satellite transmitters has allowed new research on Equador's sea turtles which nest on rocky beaches rather than relying on research from the Caribbean where the turtles are coral reef nesters.

Virginia Gewin in the journal Nature's Where I Work series reports on the research of Christina Miranda. She is shown with a first: a baby Hawksbill sea turtle with an attached transmitter. Six baby turtles have been equipped so far but because of growth and shells are replaced, transmitters fall off. The range for the time transmitters stick to the young turtles is 6 weeks to 3 months but the devices (have) provided" the "first insights into the 'lost years' of sea-turtle biology, overturning some assumptions about the swimming capabilities of baby turtles.

Miranda works here. There you will find a link to translate the web page to English.


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