Wednesday, April 19, 2023

172 Years of Global Temperature Change

Environmental & Science Education, STEM, Earth & Space Science, Earth Systems, Global Change, Climate Change, Sustainability

Ed Hessler

A striking CNN graphic shows in bold colors the changes in global temperature since 1850 for each decade, a colored stripe for each of the 172 years. The video is 3 m 28 s in length.

It is focused on the 1.5C threshold, a limit adopted by 196 governments or parties in 2015, commonly known as the Paris Agreement.

The video focuses on heat waves and their effects as well as where they are currently being experienced. It ends with the obvious observation that the sooner we develop alternatives to the great variety of fossil fuel uses the better the chance that this limit can be held.
However, the 1.5 C (35.7 F) threshold is more than likely to be breached. Currently, the global temperature rise is at 1.1 C (33.98 F)

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