Thursday, March 21, 2024

A Science Podcast with Bob MacDonald, CBC

Environmental & Science Education, STEM, Biodiversity, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Extinction, Behavior

A diverse offering from the science podcast Quirks & Quarks with Bob MacDonald, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). The complete segment is 54:00 minutes long.

Here is what's in store (segment length in parentheses). Written comments and images are found at the link under the following headings.

--Nature's nurturing side — disabled primates thrive in the wild with community support (7m 56s)

--Beetle larvae feeding on dino feathers left signs of that relationship trapped in amber (7m 52s)

--Jellyfish demonstrate how it's possible to learn and remember even without a brain (7m 52s)

--Bottlenose dolphins sense their prey's electrical fields through their whisker dimples (6m 29s)
--How documenting the disappearance of the great auk led to the discovery of extinction (17m 24s)

--Listener Question. Chris Corbett from North Sydney asks: If we see the star, Betelgeuse, that's 642 light years from Earth, going supernova, does that mean it might have already gone supernova? (2m 36s)

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