Friday, May 1, 2015

Bridging the Achievement Gap

by Edward Hessler

John Shepard, who writes on water, river and watersheds for this Sustainable Commons recently filmed a story of a class taught by science teacher Timothy Chase of Murray Middle School, St. Paul, MN.

A few years ago, Chase was provided an opportunity to teach a "dream class." He didn't linger with his answer and his dream became a reality. His target audience was students caught in the achievement gap. Chase turned his opportunity into an opportunity for students to learn that they had never experienced.

About the video. First, enjoy it.

Then you might consider it as an example of what could be done by using a local site and, if available, an environmental learning center (here, that site, Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, is many kilometers from school) as well as the classroom to help young learners who have not had much success in science, engage in science and environmental study.

The video is an inspiring and informative story of a dream that became a reality for this classroom teacher and his students.

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