Sunday, August 9, 2020

Commencement Remarks 2020: FLOTUS

Environmental & Science Education
Edward Hessler

It is never too late to post commencement remarks that are spot-on or even to read them again. The words that follow struck me as very important to carry with us in our life tool-kit.

In reporting for CBS, Peter Martinez noted three life lessons that former FLOTUS Michelle Obama included in her virtual commencement remarks to the Class of 2020. She, President Barack Obama and "a star-studded cast spoke to graduating seniors. You may view the full report here but I highlight the lessons for I think that they are good ones not only for the graduates but also for the rest of us, including the house geezer. I find both of them nothing short of remarkable. Wise.
  1. "Life will always be uncertain. It is a lesson that most of us get the chance to learn over the course of years and years, even decades, but one you're learning right now."
  2. "In an uncertain world, time-tested values like honesty and integrity ... empathy and compassion. That's the only real currency in life. Treating people right will never fail you."
  3. Share your voice: "For those of you who feel invisible, please know that your story matters. Your ideas matter. Your experience matters. Your vision for what the world can and should be matters. So, don't ever, ever let anyone tell you that you're too angry, or that you should keep your mouth shut. There will always be those who want to keep you silent, to have you be seen but not heard. Maybe they don't even want to see you at all. But those people don't know your story, and if you listen to them, then nothing will ever change."

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