Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday Poem

Environmental & Science Education, Poetry, Art & Environment

Ed Hessler

Good morning from the Center for Global Environmental Education (CGEE), Hamline University, Saint Paul, MN on the 84th day of the year, March 25, 2022. This adds up to twelve weeks and 23.01% of the year.  Sunrise is at 7:06 am and sunset is at 7:31 pm giving us 12h 25m 12s of sunlight.

It is International Waffle Day according to Foodimentary with its typical mouth-watering pictures, facts and food history. For National Day it is National Lobster Newberg Day with its usual fare of history, a recipe and a video about lobsters.

Quote. By reducing the data streams that power (the) dashboards that track COVID-19, governments are shutting their eyes to the danger. If this trend continues, the new normal is going to look a lot like the false comfort of ignorance.--Nature Editorial, 22 March

Today's poem is by Adrienne Rich. The poem link includes comments by by Meghan O'Rourke on her first discovery of the poem and what it meant to her..

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